Senator John Liu Confronted by Constituents in Bayside, NY

John Liu Voted to Kick Disabled Children Out of Public School

July 10, 2019 – Yesterday State Senator John Liu was confronted by constituents at a fund raiser he was holding in Bayside, Queens. The Senator voted to kick disabled children out of all schools in New York when he voted YES to repealing the religious exemption to vaccination and his constituents were not happy with him. The confrontation was filmed by Bayside Live TV and streamed live on Facebook at the following link:

It was also streamed live on Facebook by Melissa Bordes at the following link:

Jenna Bagcal from the Queens Courier showed up to cover the protest. When John Liu passed Bagcal they greeted each other by name (they know each other). Let’s see if Bagcal’s coverage is “fair & balanced.” (Whenever her report is published I will include it at the bottom of this post.)

Protesting parents were being interviewed by Bayside Live TV when John Liu walked into the middle of the broadcast. He answered questions and defended his vote to kick disabled children out of public school. However in Orwellian fashion he said, “We didn’t kick anyone out of school” which is a complete, boldfaced lie!

26,000 children who held a religious exemption to vaccination will not be allowed back into school come September. That’s a fact. It may not be a fact John Liu would like to admit to – it must suck when the facts are politically inconvenient – but it is an undeniable truth that he was very comfortable denying and lying about while cameras were rolling.

What bothered parents the most was that the entire time John Liu engaged these parents (parents who are rightfully angry their children were kicked out of school by his vote) was that he maintained a smile during the entire confrontation.

It was one of those fake “shaking hands & kissing babies” smiles that politicians plaster on their face. But how tone deaf is it to think this was the appropriate response when looking into the faces of constituents whose children you just kicked out of all New York schools! Especially when he had the nerve to flat out lie and say, “We didn’t kick anyone out of school.”

As Liu walked away from constituents they chanted, “VOTE HIM OUT” as he walked into his fundraiser. Hundreds of flyers were handed out, and hundreds of conversations were engaged in with Bayside residents on the streets. If you want to contact Senator Liu and tell him your opinion on his vote that kicked 26,000 children out of school call his office at 718-765-6675, and Email him at

***Update, July 18, 2019 — Reporter Lisa Bagcal reported on the bove protest on the front cover of The Bayside Times – Find that report at the following link:

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