8-year-old Queens Boy Almost Dies on a Ventilator

***Update – May 11, 2020 – 8-year-old Jayden Hardowar is still alive, thank god, according to ABC News. The boy flat lined, having no pulse at all after cardiac arrest, but he is well and recovering. My below report still stands with a few minor changes to it since the NY Post was wrong to report Jadyden had passed away.


May 8, 2020 — If you read the entire report from The NY Post, it seems far more likely this boy suffered of something “similar to toxic shock syndrome and/or Kawasaki disease,” not from the novel coronavirus. It is also questionable as to whether the ventilator helped or hindered his condition, as it is now an established fact 85% of all COVID-19 patients placed on a ventilator die.

However this boy was not a COVID-19 patient.

8-year-old Jayden Hardowar from Richmond Hill got sick, was rushed to Jamaica Hospital, then transferred to Cohen’s Children’s Hospital, placed on a ventilator and the NY Post incorrectly reported that the boy then died. The hospital ran a blood test and found antibodies for the novel coronavirus.

That is not a confirmation of illness from the coronavirus.

15 other NYC children have been hospitalized with a similar disease that according to The NY Post is “similar to toxic shock syndrome and/or Kawasaki disease” and only 4 of them tested positive for the novel coronavirus. That means 74% of these children were not infected with coronavirus when they were diagnosed with this mysterious illness. Nevertheless The NY Post – and the entire Mainstream Media (MSM) – feel very comfortable saying this “mystery disease” is linked to the coronavirus.

To be clear, it is possible the novel coronavirus is playing some contributive role in this rare illness in children. It is also very possible it is playing absolutely no role. However there are so many other factors and considerations that need to be discussed and investigated. The Post doesn’t discuss anything other than, “possibly linked to the coronavirus.” Other factors to investigate include:

  • What is the vaccine history of these 15 children?
  • Were any of these children recently vaccinated?
  • Were any of these children recently exposed to environmental toxins?
  • Have the children’s homes been inspected for possible toxins or mold?
  • How much electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) were in the children’s homes?

All of this – and more – needs to be investigated before anyone rushes to say these deaths are “possibly linked to the coronavirus.”

I’m going to do some speculation here. One thing I know a lot of Queens parents are doing to their children in lockdown is keeping them indoors 24/7. Jayden’s father is quoted in The Post article as saying they were all “practicing our social distancing very diligently.” I personally know dozens of children in NYC right now whose parents will not let them take even one step outside of their house, and I believe this to be true for at least many thousands of children in NYC. That means for over 50 days thousands of kids have been trapped in their homes.

If your home has an unknown mold or other toxin being released into the air regularly, and you keep your children in that home without ever getting any fresh air or sunlight, you can be doing irreparable damage to that child. Chronic exposure to toxins is precisely what causes Kawasaki disease. Children may also be getting much more exposure to electromagnetic frequencies within their homes from increased screen time, close proximity to routers, TV’s, smart devices (like an Amazon Firestick) or even electrical panels: all of these can be detrimental to health.

Spring is here and it is beautiful outside. Everyone needs to walk in the sun and breathe the air outdoors to maintain good health. If you feel the need to wear a mask and gloves as you do it, fine – BUT DO IT!


***Update — There are peer-reviewed studies in the medical literature showing Kawasaki disease can be caused from adverse reactions to vaccination:

Vaccines and Kawasaki Disease

Susanna Esposito 1Sonia Bianchini 1Rosa Maria Dellepiane 2Nicola Principi 1Affiliations expand


A Patient with Kawasaki Disease Following Influenza Vaccinations, published in the Pediatrics Infectious Disease Journal: https://journals.lww.com/pidj/FullText/2015/08000/A_Patient_with_Kawasaki_Disease_Following.31.aspx