Most Important Protest EVER!

August 25, NYC, City Hall, 4pm


Protesting Biden, Cuomo, de Blasio’s Medical Mandates

Come to City Hall

Wednesday, August 25, 4pm

to support the largest protest of rank & file union members in NYC History!

We will be protesting federal, state and city mandates that are moving in the direction of forced vaccination to keep our jobs. Once a COVID vaccine is fully FDA approved, will they still allow us to test instead of getting vaccinated, or will they 100% force the vaccine on all organized labor?

Firefighters, Teachers, Nurses, Healthcare Workers, EMTs, EMS, Police, Detectives, Sanitation, Postal Workers, Federal Workers, and more – we need you all! Bring signs promoting your Local Unions!

Urgent, NY Take Action: Call, tweet, email, FB to stop State getting all vaccine records

Now in Assembly Health Committee. Save medical privacy!

Complete this action by clicking on this link:




     Yesterday the Senate Health Committee passed S75, a bill that ends our right to medical privacy by requiring all vaccination records to be entered into a State-run database. This bill is all about forcing adults to get shots, and making a vaccine passport system possible by keeping track of who has and has not received shots.

     The vote yesterday was 9 to 5 on straight party lines with all Democrats in favor and all Republicans opposed. The Assembly Health Committee was supposed to consider the identical bill A279 today but the meeting was cancelled, which gives us a little more time to try and stop this bill.

     Please get on the phone and your computer and contact the following members of the Assembly Health Committee.

     We need 13 votes to kill the bill. We believe we have 9 definite Noes including all seven Republicans. We need four more Democrats. It is highly unlikely that any member who co-sponsored the bill will vote against it.

     Please click here  Take Action  to send emails to the leadership of the legislature and your own State Senator and Assembly member,

     Please call your own Assemblymember and politely ask them to vote against the bill. Talking points are below.  

Find your Assembly member here:

     Please get on the phone and your computer and contact the members of the Assembly Health Committee. Numbers below

     Please comment on the members’ Facebook pages. Ask them to vote no. Please be polite. Ranting, threats and name calling, etc. doesn’t do us any good and may alienate people whose vote we may be able to get in the future. Please keep it civil, calm and polite.

     Please tweet them it you use Twitter.

     And please email them directly with your own reasons for opposing the bill. Again, be civil, calm and polite.

     Many of the phone numbers will go directly to voice mail and frequently voice mail boxes are full, so use the other methods of communication.

     We need 13 votes to kill the bill. We believe we have 9 definite Noes including all seven Republicans. We need four more Democrats. It is highly unlikely that any member who co-sponsored the bill will vote against it.

     Please start at the top with Speaker Carl Heastie (the Boss)  and work your way down. Staffers are saying the Assemblymembers Bichotte Hermelyn, Cymbrowitz, Sayegh, and Solages have not taken a position on the bill yet. Solages voted against the bill in committee in 2019 hopefully we will get her vote again.

     Before you start on that if you support the work of the Autism action Network please keep us in business by donating here:


Carl Heastie, Speaker of the Assembly

(518) 455-3791, (718) 654-6539

Twitter: @carlheastie

Richard Gottfried, (518) 455-4941, (212) 807-7900

Twitter: @dickgottfried

Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn: 518-455-5385, (718) 940-0428,

Twitter: @NYSBichotteHerm

Steven Cymbrowitz: (518) 455-5214, (718) 743-4078

Twitter: @cymbrowitz

Nader Sayegh: (518) 455-3662, (914) 779-8805

Twitter: @naderjsayegh

Karines Reyes, (518) 455-5102, (718) 931-2620

Twitter: @karinesreyes87

Michaelle Solages: 518-455-4465, (516) 599-2972

Twitter: @solagesny

Edward Braunstein: (518) 455-5425, (718) 357-3588

Twitter: @edbraunstein

Aileen Gunther: 518-455-5355, (845) 794-5807 and (845) 342-9304

Twitter: None

Kevin Cahill: (518) 455-4436, (845) 338-9610, Co-sponsor

Twitter: None

Sandy Galef: 518-455-5348, (914) 941-111, Co-sponsor

Twitter: @SandyGalef

Amy Paulin: (518) 455-5585, (914) 723-1115. Co-sponsor

Twitter: @AmyPaulin

Linda Rosenthal: (518) 455-5802, (212) 873-6368, Co-Sponsor

No Twitter

No Facebook

Phil Steck: (518) 455-5931, (518) 377-0902, Co-sponsor

Twitter: @PhilSteck

Andrew Hevesi: (518) 455-4926, (718) 263-5595, Co-Sponsor

Twitter: @AndrewHevesi

Jeffrey Dinowitz: (518) 455-5965, (718) 796-5345, Co-Sponsor

Twitter; @JeffreyDinowitz

John McDonald III, (518) 455-4474,Co-Sponsor

Twitter: @johnmcdonald108

Daniel Rosenthal, (518) 455-4404, (718) 969-1508, Co-sponsor

Twitter: @DanRosenthalNYC

Charles Barron: (518) 455-5912, (718) 257-5824,

Twitter: @CharlesBarron12

Tom Abinanti, (518) 455-5753, (914) 631-1605,

Twitter: @Tom Abinanti


Kevin Byrne: (518) 455-5783, (845) 278-2923

Twitter: @Byrne4NY

Marjorie Byrnes: (518) 455-5662, (585) 218-0038

Twitter; @Byrnes4Assembly

David McDonough: (518) 455-4633, (516) 409-2070,

Twitter: AssemblymanDGM

Jake Ashby, (518) 455-5777, (518) 272-6149,

Twitter: JakeCAshby

Josh Jensen, (518) 455-4664, (585) 225-4019,

Twitter: @JoshJensen134

Missy Miller, (518) 455-3028, (516) 431-0500,

Twitter: @MIssyMillerNY

John Salka, (518) 455-4807. (315) 361-4125,

Twitter: None

Talking Points:

     The State of New York already has a database for adult vaccination records, but participation is voluntary for both physicians and patients. Currently, physicians can put a patient’s information into the database if they choose. The bill will require them to enter the data. A physician may only enter the data in the database they get permission from the patient. This bill takes away the patients right to consent

     This bill takes away our right to keep our medical information private. If the state has access to vaccination records, why not other records? Bureaucracies are always seeking to expand their reach and authority. It is only a matter of time before there will be pressure to add other medical information: prescription drugs, HIV status, other STI status, etc. Once we lose the right to medical privacy we will not get it back.

     In the discussion in the Senate Health Committee on the companion bill, Senator Hoylman had little more to say than, “We need this because of Covid,” without explaining how this bill will make the Covid situation any better. More than half of the adults in New York have received at least one Covid shot. Some of those records are in the database already, but most probably aren’t. How useful is an incomplete database? And what will the database be used for? And if it is to fight Covid why record all the other vaccinations?

     And what about adults who have already had Covid and recovered? That status will not be recorded in the database, and there is growing evidence that vaccinating people with a Covid vaccine who have already had Covid have a much higher rate of serious adverse reactions. Some research shows recovered people probably have more robust immunity to Covid than vaccinated people. That is yet another aspect of Covid that is insufficiently studied. But law and policy are being made as if all those questions are known.

     We currently have the exact same type of database for school children. It is used to monitor whether children are current with the vaccine schedule and, if not, to coerce their parents to get them up to date, and if the parents do not comply then the child loses their right to an education. This is a tool for surveillance, enforcement and punishment.

     The adult database will be used for the same purpose. It will be used too surveil all adults, track their vaccine status, coerce those who are out of compliance, and eventually punish those who do not obey.

     A database of this kind will be necessary to enforce any system of vaccine passports, such as the current Excelsior Pass. Vaccine passports are systems of medical apartheid or segregation, but these can only work if there is a database like this bill would create. It is telling that the list of states that have resumed normal life is growing, but here in New York we are implementing invasive systems to allow more isolation, control and segregation.

     Please share this message with family and friends, and please post to social networks while we still can.

Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before COVID

April 1, 2021 — On November 1, 2019 the excellent publication Age of Autism published the following:

And just in the last weeks, without publicity, the European Commission have published a document designed to lead to a vaccine ID being attached to the European passport by 2022. (emphasis added) 

Just look at page 1 of the following PDF from the EU:

And wouldn’t you know COVID arrived just in time to ensure this timeline would be perfectly adhered to.

Another COVID co-wink-i-dink!?

Just like the genetically modified origins of SARS CoV-2, or Event 201, where The Gates Foundation, Johns Hopkins University and the World Economic Forum simulated a world-wide coronavirus pandemic just 3 months before their war game “turned real.” In fact, Event 201 occurred just weeks before the EU released their plan for a vaccine passport, and BOTH of these significant co-wink-i-dinks occurred months before the COVID-19 pandemic began.

What such co-wink-i-dinks reveal is that vaccine passports have nothing to do with COVID. This is just one piece in a very old, well planned puzzle for control over the populace and destruction of fundamental rights.

Vaccine passports are a critical step towards UDI – Universal Digital Identity.

Back in July of 2019 I stated there could not be a UDI system brought into America without a “catastrophic and catalyzing event” like 9/11, and I postulated that such an event would be some form of climate crash. I still believe this is likely to be the case, although some people believe the COVID crisis is the new 9/11 that will usher in a UDI system in America. While the COVID crisis has certainly helped sweep away fundamental rights, I do not believe it is quite enough to have America accept a UDI system (which will eventually eliminate and replace all cash transactions).

I also wondered back in July of 2019 what would happen with the 10’s of millions of American Christian Conservatives (ACCs) who view a UDI system as the “mark of the beast” as prophesized in the Book of Revelations. The controversial Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene recently connected vaccine passports to the “mark of the beastreference in the bible, and has been attacked viscously for it.

To be clear, I do not place much weight into the “mark of the beast” claim but that is not the point. The point is that 10’s of millions of ACCs do, and that cannot be ignored by anyone on any side of this debate. Nor can millions of progressives, liberals and conservatives be ignored who also do not support a fascist vaccine passport system, (sans “mark of the beast” claim). We are gearing up for a political and cultural battle in America that is going to make the Trump years look like a walk in the park.

The Take Down of Gov Cuomo

Why Now?

March 19, 2021 — The Fed Up Democrat has been reporting on the crimes of Governor Cuomo long before it became en vogue. But the crimes we are being allowed to see in the press today are not the worst he has committed. It seems that the Me Too sexual harassment allegations first brought forward by Lindsay Boylan sparked something that no one could stop. At the same time, Cuomo’s nursing home death scandal was coming to a head and the two merged in what appears will be a successful take down of Andrew Cuomo.

But that takedown needs to be “managed,” and it is Carl Heastie who is the manager.

Heastie has recently announced his Assembly investigation into impeaching Cuomo will occur quite secretly, which reveals what is actually happening. Cuomo will be taken down, but his biggest crimes will be hidden, while the ruling oligarchy of men like Bill Gates and Eric Schmidt will ensure their agenda through Cuomo still moves forward (forced vaccination, vaccine passports, closing schools, smart city NYC, etc…)

Cuomo’s #1 worst crime is instituting policies throughout all New York hospitals and health care facilities to maximize the number of deaths attributed to COVID. Yes, everyone is aware of how this happened in nursing homes, but it also occurred in all hospitals, especially those in New York City, and especially those in Black & Brown communities.

The over-use of ventilators from March till June of 2020 for those diagnosed, or even suspected, of having COVID, caused thousands to die who did not have to. Up to 90% of everyone placed on a ventilator during that time died. And this crime is one that goes all the way up through the federal government. Just as Cuomo gave immunity to nursing home executives for all deaths of nursing home residents during the pandemic, the federal government gave blanket immunity to all hospitals for anyone who died on a ventilator. Read my report on this from back in April of 2020, published at the height of the pandemic:

Medical Protocols Killed More New Yorkers Than COVID-19

THIS is the crime that must be covered up and protected at all cost.

THIS is the crime that could cause the entire COVID house of cards to come crashing down.

THIS is why Carl Heastie must keep a tight grip upon the investigation and impeachment of Cuomo.

The nursing home scandal brushes too close to this core crime. The Attorney General’s Office has subpoena power to investigate nursing home deaths, and as documents are obtained questions of who knew what when, and who ordered what when, are going to reveal very dangerous secrets of New York’s COVID nightmare. The game will be to take Cuomo down without taking the whole charade down. Many critical details of the nursing home scandal will not be allowed to see the full light of day because they will open the door to the larger Cuomo COVID death scandal. It is not a coincidence that the main focus of Cuomo’s crimes remains on the allegations of sexual harassment. Keeping the focus there protects the entire COVID house of cards and avoids exposing why high death toll numbers were the goal of Cuomo and his Health Commish Howard Zucker.

When Cuomo commented on his mishandling and “miscounting” of nursing home deaths one of the first things he said was that his administration never hid the TOTAL NUMBER of deaths. Of course they didn’t! THAT was the actual goal of every policy he implemented. The goal was to increase deaths, across the board, blame it on the virus and not his response to the virus, and usher in a new era of medical dystopia that we are currently in the middle of right now.

Cuomo is a favorite of the oligarchy that is trying to reshape and ‘reimagine’ New York by closing brick & mortar schools (permanently), expanding remote learning, turning NYC into a ‘smart city,’ force vaccinating the population and using ‘vaccine passports‘ as the foot-in-the-door to a biometric digital identity. But they can’t protect him from the growing sexual harassment allegations in the era of Me Too. Because of that they will stage a well-managed take down of the Governor where Cuomo will be handsomely repaid in some fashion after he exits New York’s top political office.