Medical Protocols Killed More New Yorkers Than COVID-19

COVID-19 Patients Who Die on Ventilators Can’t Sue the Hospital

April 27, 2020 — The reports of official medical protocols in New York hospitals killing COVID-19 patients have become too numerous to blow-off. The most notable is of course Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell, the ICU & ER doctor who sounded the alarm on April 3rd that patients were being intubated (put on ventilators) too often leading to 85% of those patients dying. Even Governor Cuomo has admitted on multiple occasions that 80% of patients placed on ventilators die.

On social media Dr. Kyle-Sidell posted a video of himself telling his experiences in plain English, and the video went viral. My report on Sidell’s video received over 30,000 views, and millions of people have since watched Dr. Kyle-Sidell in his scrubs, straight from the hospital, telling the truth to the world.

I published my report on April 4th, the day after Dr. Kyle-Sidell had first posted his now legendary video on Facebook. Take a look at the graph at the top of this report, showing how many COVID-19 patients were being intubated in New York. The number of intubations drastically falls off a cliff on April 5th – just 2 days after Sidell’s viral video – and never surges up again. The process of putting someone on a ventilator is called “intubation,” and clearly Sidell and his colleagues are the reason for this drastic, abrupt drop. When the smoke clears history will show that it was Dr. Kyle-Sidell and others like him who saved thousands of lives by helping to slow, and stop, the process of intubation.

When a COVID-19 patient is intubated up to 90% of them die, yet the hospitals kept putting them on ventilators. Why? Because, according to Dr. Kyle-Sidell, that was the “administrative protocol” in every major hospital in the Western world; and still is!

But it gets much worse.

The question you must now be asking is, “If it kills so many people, why is that the freakin’ protocol?!?” What few people know is that ventilators have been given the status of “countermeasure” for the COVID-19 crisis by the federal government. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) Alex Azar made a PREP Act Declaration on March 18, 2020, which thus barred any person injured or killed on a ventilator being treated for COVID-19 between the dates of January 27, 2020 and October 21, 2024 from suing the hospital, or anyone.

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Once the PREP Act was invoked, hospital administrators had absolutely no reason to worry about placing COVID-19 patients on ventilators. They get to bill upwards of $40,000 to the insurance companies just for the intubation, they can’t be held liable for any damage done to the patient, and there are no family members allowed to visit COVID-19 patients, so the patient has absolutely no advocate! This completely disgusting reality has caused doctors, nurses and other front-line workers to figure out ways to work around what can only be called a system of death.

Front Line Doctors Start Saving Lives

During this tragic time in New York something amazing has occurred with many of the front line doctors treating COVID-19. They utilized innovative ways to share information quickly among their peers that ultimately save thousands of lives. Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell was part of an online, decentralized medical education movement that basically had two platforms: (1) Social Media, and, (2) FOAMed

FOAMed is an online, free medical education for anyone, anywhere. It is a place where medical professionals can exchange information from the front lines. That is precisely what Dr. Kyle-Sidell did, giving online presentations of what he was seeing go wrong – and right – in his NYC ICU & ER.

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This innovation is what saved New York from even more, longer Draconian measures. Why do I say that? The more people who die from COVID-19 means the more our freedoms will be taken away for longer periods of time. Is it possible someone might actually want more deaths to occur?


The mainstream media had us fooled on the critical point of ventilators.

They framed the entire issue as a shortage. The narrative was that no one had enough ventilators so who should we blame – was it Trump or Cuomo? I followed that narrative for about a week at this blog. However the real issue was that ventilators were killing 9 out of 10 people, and it was very, very profitable for the hospitals to keep doing that. The final death blow was realizing the federal government had indemnified hospitals with a PREP Act Declaration. When President Trump allowed Secretary Alex Azar of HHS to invoke the PREP Act, I wonder if he had any clue of the dominoes that were set into motion. The Wall Street Journal has just reported the Trump administration is discussing having Azar removed from his post.

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I can still remember watching Governor Cuomo’s press conferences where he was screaming from the rooftop that he needed more ventilators, at one point saying, “I need 30,000 ventilators!” He also knew that 8 out of 10 patients put on ventilators would never come off of them. One thing is for absolute sure: New York Department of Health Commissioner Howard Zucker was certainly aware that all hospitals received indemnity from the PREP Act allowing them to kill everyone on ventilators with no worries.

And this is a different type of indemnity.

This isn’t just those forms that you sign when you enter the hospital that say, “Anything bad that happens to you is not our fault and you can never sue us.” No. Those forms can of course be challenged in court if someone is injured or killed in a hospital. The PREP Act indemnity means the hospital is indemnified by the federal government in a series of laws that are iron clad in protecting the hospitals for “national security” reasons.

When Death Is Good

We are now seeing public health officials scramble to categorize as many deaths as possible as COVID-19 to inflate the death count. We were told this was going to be a horrific virus that would kill millions. It has not done that, so an artificial inflation is needed for those in power to work their hidden agendas. But everyone must remember it was the front line workers – especially doctors like Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell – who spoke up, used the internet to educate their colleagues, and adhered to their Hippocratic Oath to stop COVID-19 from bringing America into a permanent 2-year lock down. Had that intubation rate not dropped drastically as it did we would be seeing many more thousands of deaths than we already are. Those who are dying right now are mostly those who have spent weeks on ventilators, and everyone is just watching them, waiting for them to die.

Learn More at the following links: Nurses Blow Whistle in NYC

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell get’s covered by Reuters

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