Coming Contact Tracing Failure May Be Part of the Plan

May 26, 2020 — When millions of people refuse to download a contact tracing app on their phone, that tracing “failure” could be used to justify why phone apps just aren’t good enough. The best form of contact tracing would be to trace each individual regardless of whether they are carrying a phone or any technological device. That could be done with a subdermal implant placed into every individual.

Google & Apple have launched contact tracing apps that can be downloaded to your phone so if you ever come in contact with someone infected with the coronavirus local health officials can let you know. This app is a voluntary download to your phone – for now. Eventually such apps will likely be a part of the operating system software of iPhone’s & Androids when you initially buy them. Don’t like that? Then don’t buy the phone. See, you still have a ‘choice.’

However people who don’t want to be traced may just choose to leave their phones in the car or selectively bring their phones with them to avoid having their exact locations “traced” at all times. They may just start turning their phones off. In fact, many people who intentionally download the app and desire to be traced could very easily leave their phone in the car or at home on accident (or lose their phone) at any given time.

The only way to solve this is to have the tracing done directly to the individual themselves; and the best way to accomplish that would be with a subdermal implant. Essentially this would be some form of RFID or other microchip placed underneath the skin. Such implants already occur for those who volunteer to have them or who biohack themselves with one. The conversation will eventually come regarding mandatory subdermal implants likely after mandatory vaccination is expanded.

This is why the initial contact tracing plan may be designed to fail.

If the elite forces that desire to track each and every one of us can point to “data” (falsified or not) indicating people died because contact tracing via phone apps was poor, the argument will be made that subdermal implants must happen “for the greater good” of society.


I anticipate a day when there will be an unrollable charging mat you put under your mattress which charges all of your implants at once while you sleep.”


Update — Android phones have added contact tracing software through your GOOGLE app on your phone. Go to the following link to learn how to turn it off – (a time will come when there is no “off”)


On Twitter hatchetman99 wrote the following description of subdermal technologies: “It is far worse than people understand. Gates has said he can link a person’s bio-ID (not an implant per se, but a sub dermal cell pattern) to their bank account, merchant and gov databases etc. that way you can be denied access to what you need if you don’t comply.”

***Update – there is another way to force contact tracing: Facial Recognition Software. When ‘voluntary’ contact tracing phone app fails facial recognition will also be promoted, and will have a very high likelihood of being successful as it is “less invasive” than a subdermal implant.