Maral Farsi is an All-Out Bigot

Gavin Newsom Needs to Fire His Staffer: Maral Farsi

Screenshot of Maral Farsi’s bigoted tweet that she swiftly deleted, then locked her entire Twitter Account


August 31, 2019 — Maral Farsi, Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for California’s Governor Gavin Newsom, is openly bigoted towards Health Freedom Advocates. Farsi recently went on a barrage of tweets that would get her fired and thrown out of Sacramento had they been made about any other group of people. The tweets were so bad in fact she locked her Twitter account so no more could be brought to light. We have a few of her bigoted tweets in this report. She also removed her picture from her Twitter account, however we have published that very photo at the top and bottom of this report.

Farsi is a first generation Iranian and as tensions are rising between the US and Iran it is baffling to see how easy it is for her to make these horrifying statements towards a minority group. Doesn’t Farsi understand that words have consequences and impacts? She has called Health Freedom Advocates “oxygen thieves.” That comment basically says we are better off dead and don’t deserve to be alive. It is very close to calling for our deaths and even murders. She deleted the tweet shortly after she made it, but you can see that tweet at the top of this report.

Farsi has also tweeted that she can’t take us seriously because our children have names like “Kombucha … Smash and Gelatin.” What if someone said with a name like “Farsi” it’s impossible to take her serious because she is obviously an Iranian terrorist? The press would be reporting on that non-stop until the person making such a statement was shamed into non-existence, as they should, soooooooooooo…


Gavin Newsom needs to fire Maral Farsi, an open bigot!

State Capitol Staff Members

It is not likely Newsom will be firing Maral Farsi as the world of staffers in state capitols is odd and interesting. Some staffers are very powerful usually because they spend so much time interacting with the important politicians and staffers of their political party. They have their finger on the pulse of what the party agenda is while their bosses are doing interviews and kissing babies. As Maral Farsi feels very comfortable being a rabid bigot on Twitter, for her, that platform is used to communicate to other California Democrats who follow her. It is a signal to not take Health Freedom Advocates seriously even as our numbers grow and activism rises.

Now Farsi has stepped into a bad situation. Her “oxygen thieves” tweet received hundreds of angry replies and the hashtag #FireFarsi began to gain steam, as Health Freedom Advocates started to follow her on Twitter. She locked her account seemingly because she is scared of what might happen; people have lost their jobs for far less offenses. Farsi only has 286 tweets, but she does not want anyone to go through all of them and draw attention to what a gigantic disgusting bigot she is. She has even removed her picture from her Twitter account (but we have re-published that photo here on this blog post).

This reminds me of my experiences lobbying in Albany, NY. We had a group of about 20 parents and 10 children meeting with a Democratic state senator about vaccination legislation. He spoke to us for about 40 minutes before leaving the room and bringing in his most relied upon staffer. That staff member was very tough, and borderline rude to us. She had clearly made up her mind which way she wanted her boss to vote. She knew it was basically a done-deal with Democratic leadership in Albany, but it was unclear if her boss, the senator, was aware of that. This senator ended up voting exactly as she advised him; he voted yes to repealing New York’s religious exemption to vaccination.

On a separate occasion we were in Albany and a staff member was actually wearing a medical mask only when Orthodox Jews came into the office. Read about that insanity here:

Differences of opinion are fine, and welcome. However it is unbelievable to see how Health & Religious Freedom Advocates are treated as sub-humans from New York to California.

Here is a partial resume for Maral Farsi, followed by some of her tweets and replies:

Picture of Maral Farsi, that she recently removed from her Twitter Account, @Farsi

CORRECTION – When this report first posted Maral Farsi’s first name was spelled incorrectly as Marla. That is wrong, her name is Maral Farsi.

September 11, 2019 — Minor update. Just as SB 276 passed in California, effectively eliminating all medical exemptions to vaccination – California’s state health director was forced to resign after she posted hateful, bigoted posts to Facebook about the so-called “anti-vaxxers.”