Shots Fired at Whitehouse When Trump Announced Dr. Atlas on Coronavirus Task Force

Does Big Pharma Want Trump Dead?

August 10, 2020 — It could just be a coincidence, but…

This evening President Donald Trump made his boldest medical move to date announcing Dr. Scott Atlas had been added to his coronavirus task force. The announcement was interrupted when Secret Service removed the president because shots had been fired just outside the Whitehouse.

The Daily Mail reported the following:

After Trump declared himself not rattled by the sudden (reported shooting) interruption, he briefly pointed to Atlas, a fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, and mentioned him to the press.  He said Atlas, who has appeared on Fox News, ‘will be working with us on the coronavirus’ and ‘he has many great ideas.’

Could just be a coincidence, but…

Dr. Atlas has been making news appearances insisting that children must return to school immediately, and he is against lockdowns. He is very dangerous to the Gates/Fauci wing of the coronavirus response as he continually cites the actual science that proves children have a near zero risk of contracting the coronavirus by attending school, and that lockdowns are not effective.

This is huge! It’s as important as Trump’s support for hydroxychloroquine. Atlas is a serious scientist who could be a very real danger to the Gates/Fauci/WHO faction that wants to use the coronavirus as an excuse to “reset” all of modern society as laid out by the elites at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland.

Recently Trump stated he may have to “hide” because there are some very rich people who are extremely upset with him for what he is doing to bring prescription drug prices down. He specifically mentioned “middle men” who he claims make more money than the pharmaceutical companies. I have not looked into the president’s plan for prescription drug pricing, and can not speak to it being good, bad, a charade, etc… But it is interesting that POTUS said this while he was aware Dr. Atlas was about to be added to his coronavirus task force.

Trump & Big Pharma

Trump has sent many signals that he was going to take on Big Pharma as president, but he has never followed through on any of them. He met with Dr. Andrew Wakefield about forming a “Vaccine Safety Commission” but squashed it before it ever came off the ground. He did however setup a face-to-face meeting that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree had with the heads of NIH, CDC FDA and HHS. No way the medical cartel appreciated that from Trump, but very little of substance came from this.

There are sources who have access to both Donald and Melania Trump who say their son Barron was a victim of vaccine injury. Some have written that Melania brought Barron to Europe to be treated by the best doctors with alternative treatments in attempts to cure him of his injuries. While this has not been confirmed 100%, when the alleged “measles outbreak” in New York was ongoing the press asked the First Lady if she had any comment regarding the MMR vaccine. She remained dead silent, not saying a single word. The mainstream media (MSM) attacked her for this, but her silence was heard loud and clear by many of us in the Medical Freedom community; including me.

Was this ‘coincidence’ of shots being fired outside of the Whitehouse right as Trump was announcing a drastic shift to his coronavirus task force a warning shot?

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