Black Lives Matter and MAGA Protest TOGETHER Against Forced COVID Vaccine

January 3, 2020 — Back in July I wrote an essay saying that BLACK LIVES MATTER and MEDICAL FREEDOM were really the same movement. Read that essay here:

Today we are seeing the first signs of what I spoke of 6 months ago coming to be reality. My good friend John Gilmore from the Autism Action Network gives us the update from NYC & Rochester, NY:


BLM and MAGA protest together in NY to stop forced Covid-19 shots

  A nightmare scenario for the ruling elites began at two separate demonstrations in New York that brought together MAGA and BLM to oppose the move toward a medical police state.

     On Friday a march and demonstration were held in Rochester, NY  that brought together Black Lives Matter supporters and Trump voters in opposition to forced Covid-19 shots.

      Yesterday in Manhattan, Black Lives Matter supporters and Trump voters gathered together to protest outside the W. 92nd Street home of New York Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal (D-Upper Westside) who recently introduced Assembly Bill A11179, a bill that would give the Governor of New York the power to order force anybody and everybody to get Covid-19 shots if he believes that voluntary measures are not delivering “sufficient immunity”. Rosenthal appears to be unaware that the manufacturers of the current group of Coivd-19 vaccines and the federal government do not claim the shots will even provide immunity.

    One of the oldest strategies of ruling elites throughout time is “divide and conquer.” Exploit the possible differences within those who are ruled to set them against each other, and leave the elites alone. We have seen that in abundance since the arrival of Covid-19.

On January 13 beginning at 11 am, a demonstration will be held at the global headquarters of Pfizer, the world’s largest drug company, at 235 E. 42nd Street in Manhattan to protest forced Covid-19 shots. BLM, MAGA, Democrats, Republicans, everybody is welcome who agrees that we should decide, not government, what is injected into our bodies, and our children’s bodies. Be there

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