Cuomo Uses COVID-19 to Dismantle New York Democracy

Dictator Cuomo is Destroying Democratic Process in Albany

Action Alert Below!

March 17, 2020 — Now that Governor Cuomo has 1-year of dictatorial powers in New York anytime he calls a state of emergency, he has done much to assure he maintains king-like rule in Albany. His latest dictate has been to shutdown the Capitol of New York while holding all the lawmakers to force a budget to pass

Why does any of this matter?

Shutting down Albany

Due to Cuomo gaining emergency powers in the middle of the night in Albany, it was easy for him to shutdown the Capitol to all visitors. This is just as the Parental Rights and Vaccine Choice movement – which despises Cuomo – has been growing and showing up in Albany on a regular basis. Cuomo has also banned all events of 500 people or more, which effectively bans protests. No protests and no visitors in Albany sets the stage to easily pass controversial bills in the already corrupt Capitol. There are many who feel the threat of COVID-19 warrants Cuomo taking these drastic measures.



Forcing a Budget to Pass

While visitors have been banned from the Capitol Dictator Cuomo is forcing the lawmakers to stay, demanding they make the April 1st deadline of passing a budget. Republican Assemblyman Doug Smith has stated this action by Cuomo is “a recipe for disaster,” and that is putting it lightly in my opinion. Smith makes the logical, reasonable recommendation that in this emergency situation budget extenders should be enacted. However it is clear Cuomo wants to pass a budget without anyone from the public anywhere near the process.

Further Destruction of Parental Rights

Cuomo is poised to put forced HPV vaccination and vaccinating children in school without parental knowledge into the budget vote. The budget vote is a gigantic bill that John Gilmore says is referred to as “The Big Ugly.” While the public is panicked about the cornoavirus and is banned from being in the Capitol, Cuomo very well may slam through at least 2 bills that force more medical procedures on our children in schools by sneaking them in the budget. Those bills include:

A973a/S3899a – Allows Healthcare practitioners to administer all STD vaccines and preventative STD drugs (including the HPV vaccine Gardasil and PrEP for HIV/AIDS) without parental knowledge or consent. The Senate bill allows this to occur in children as young as 9-years-old.

S298B – Makes HPV vaccine Gardasil mandatory to attend all New York schools

…and there could be more than that, so…


Oppose Cuomo’s Power Grab!

Please call Cuomo’s Office and politely tell the staffer NO VACCINE MANDATES should be included in the 2020 budget:

(518) 474-8390

Also call and email your state Senator and Assemblymember and tell them to oppose Cuomo’s tyrannical actions!

If Albany is shutdown to the public it should not be forcing a budget.


Find YOUR Assemblymember here –

Find YOUR Senator here –

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